Saturday, April 9, 2011

Charity and Work Developments

Heading back to America in 4 days! I really can't believe the time has gone by so quickly. I feel so removed from my previous life, and am super interested to see what the reverse culture shock will be like. Luckily, I will be spending almost all of my time seeing family and friends, and that never goes out of style. Can't WAIT to see people and hear about their lives during our time apart.

Today was my first Saturday off since I started working full time. Interestingly, it came about due to the celebration of a dead king's birthday. To honor this king, schools are off on Tuesday (Monday as well, I believe). The government, in turn, decided to make the children attend school on Saturday instead. So, all of our students were at regular school today, and we all got the day off. Was hoping to go to Vung Tao, a beach about an hour's boat ride away. There is a kite festival there today, and I was quite interested. However, due to all of the other things I was planning, I didn't get around to it. But, I am all set to join some of the teachers on a mini-bus ride to some waterfalls on our other day off on Tuesday.

Luckily, the day wasn't a complete waste. I just got my first month's full time pay, and since we teachers never have our weekends off, we went to a delightful weekend brunch place complete with a chocolate fountain. The brunch was huge, and we had a nice and leisurely meal, with multiple trips to the fountain. Tracey and I spent the rest of the afternoon shopping around, and went to an indoor market/mall type place. I haven't been shopping once since I moved here (aside from Xmas shopping), and it was really fun to see all of the stuff people sell. Saw many things I am planning on buying next month when I have more money. For some reason bone-chopsticks and silk fans aren't on my immediate must-have list.

Have spent the past week being quite saintly, if I do say so myself. I feel like all of my time is spent either working or doing charity work. Not complaining, just realizing how boring my life may sound.

This Sunday started out my week with a very stressful observation involving a bad class and a particularly bad student who pretended to throw up in a trash can while I attempted to teach them a song. During my first-ever job observation. Which will be evaluated. Not pleased. Luckily, I found out later this week that two of my ideas for the school are going to be implemented. I have outlined and begun organizing a spelling bee, which we will use in the public schools. The Apollo managers liked the idea so much, they will be doing spelling bees at every Apollo school in the country! And I thought being a spelling geek would never get me anywhere. My friend Dana and I also began outlining a proposal for book clubs. There will be story time for the younger kids, and legitimate book clubs for the older ones, with monthly books and meetings. My boss officially loves me, and I couldn't be more pleased. I like thinking up ideas for educating kids way more than implementing them in the classroom. Clearly that's where my talents lie; just ask the vomit kid.

Spent our little sisters evening at my friend Ginny's house making pancakes with the girls. They'd never heard of or tasted pancakes, and had a ton of fun flipping them. Its crazy how easy it is to amuse these kids.

Last night we had a sing-along night with kids from a shelter that helps poor kids affected by HIV. We sang english and  VN songs, played games, ate food, etc. It lasted a bit long for me (three hours of dancing around to songs like the hokey pokey can really take it out of you), but the kids enjoyed themselves, and were adorable. I made Chinh come with his guitar, and I think he had a good time. The family whose house we painted was there as well, and it was nice to meet the kids. Nice to use my music  degree for something, although I don't think that's exactly what my voice teacher was thinking.

I guess that's all for the time being!


  1. do you remember 5th grade spelling bees in mr. melby's room--boys vs. girls lined up on opposite walls?! haha, crazy old man :)
